Technology & Business Analytics

We Embrace Technology

Transit Pro USA has a motto: driven by evidence-based decision making using data and technology. We pride ourselves in working with hardware and software technology firms to assist transit agencies with new ways to deliver transit services.

Technology Evaluation

If you are evaluating hardware or software for your transit agency needs, our experts can assist you with the entire process. Transit Pro USA has various experts that can support depending on the technology being evaluated on the bus or within your agency’s network. We have worked with various transit agencies in MaaS, telematics, and on-demand and autonomous vehicles across North America.

Technology Specification Development

Writing technical specifications, which allow for multiple bidders to submit responses, requires a balance of features and needs of your organization. Our experts have written technical specifications for various software, hardware, and emerging technology across North America.

Emerging Technology (Autonomous)

Autonomous shuttles and transit buses are being deployed across the globe as a first mile/last mile solutions. Transit Pro USA has experts that can help you navigate emerging technology paths from autonomous buses to on-demand transit ride hauling apps.

Data & Cyber Security

Transit systems are being attacked by sophisticated hackers from around the world. Transit Pro USA has various experts who can assist with data security and testing your agencies cyber safety. We use the latest cyber security standards and trained experts to navigate these dangerous times.

Our Services

  • Data and cyber security support
  • ITS component evaluation
  • Technology evaluation
  • Emerging technology (Autonomous)
  • Technology specification development
Our services

What we can do for you

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